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The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Tuesday 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day, Friday 14th Feb - - End of Term, Collect at usual times 3.20/3.25pm - PTA Mufti Day - PTA Uniform Sale at Pick up, Year 6 Leavers Donut Sale at Pick up. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable half term.

Headteacher's Welcome

Click here for the school video and prospectus



It is with great pleasure I welcome you to The Greville Primary School.

I am very privileged to be the Head teacher of this school and to work alongside a team of dedicated and passionate staff, who ensure the children receive the very best educational experiences.

As a staff team, we work closely together to provide a nurturing, positive and inclusive environment where our children can feel safe, supported and happy so they can be successful in their learning and their wider understanding of the world. 


The Greville is two form entry in the Infants and four form entry in the Juniors, with 60 new children joining the school each September in Year 3 and it is our relentless aim for the children to have the best possible start in their education; inspiring and nurturing them to achieve in many different ways.

Throughout their time at The Greville, we ensure the children will experience high quality teaching through an exciting, broad and relevant curriculum, with a strong emphasis on reading, as this unlocks the different subject areas. Children will have learning opportunities both inside, and within the amazing school grounds which includes a large all-weather pitch, an extensive school field, a forest school area, two fiction libraries, a cookery room and a designated music room.


The wide range of curriculum and enrichment activities allows children to explore new opportunities or further their interests or talents; music, dance, sport and drama play integral parts of school life. A very significant proportion of the children take part in the choir, orchestra or are learning an instrument.


Our four school values underpin all aspects of the school: Respect - Resilience - Responsibility - Kindness which support our high expectations of behaviour and achievement for everyone.

We aim for the children to leave the school as confident individuals, prepared for secondary school, and extremely proud of the accomplishments that they have achieved at The Greville.

 Our children achieve above national average attainment on leaving and we strive to improve the progress they make between joining and leaving the school.


We feel passionately that children learn the importance of leading healthy lifestyles and the impact that this can have on their mental well-being. We teach our children that equality, diversity, tolerance and respect are crucial foundations for their education, their future and for the wider community. We prioritise the safety and well-being of our children and have robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place. 


We value our partnerships with parents and carers and understand the shared role that we have in supporting children to achieve and flourish.

Our Ofsted report from October 2019 states, “There is a strong sense of community across the school, with staff and parents working together as part of the ‘The Greville family’ for the benefit of all pupils.”


We are proud of the welcome we give to new children and their families as they become members of The Greville family.


We hope you enjoy learning more about our school by looking at the website.

If you would like to visit and see the learning that takes place, please contact the school.


Duncan Steele

Head teacher                                       


'The Greville is a brilliant school. Our son is leaving in July and has thoroughly loved his time here. The teaching staff are excellent and there is also a positive atmosphere around the school.'

Year 6 Parent March 2024


'I think The Greville is an outstanding school with strong leadership and fantastic staff.'

Junior Parent March 2024


'We are so pleased with the Greville, it’s an amazing school!' 

New Reception Parent November 2023


'I just wanted you to pass on my sincere thanks to the teachers at this school who go over and above to give our children such a fun, well rounded version of education.' 

Year 3 parent March 2024



The Greville Primary School is committed to safeguarding, child protection and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all members of the school community including staff, parents, carers, volunteers and governors to share this commitment.

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872