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The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Tuesday 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day, Friday 14th Feb - - End of Term, Collect at usual times 3.20/3.25pm - PTA Mufti Day - PTA Uniform Sale at Pick up, Year 6 Leavers Donut Sale at Pick up. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable half term.

Online Safety

Keeping children safe online

As a school, we believe online safety is a crucial area of a child's education and we are committed to raising awareness and educating children in this area. Online safety is taught termly in every year group through our computing curriculum (ilearn2). Parental involvement is strongly encouraged and we hold information events to help parents become more knowledgeable when supporting their children using the internet at home.

The school also promotes Safer Internet Day each year and has  an online safety policy (see below). 


Guidance for parents.

The DfE has updated guidance for parents and carers about keeping children safe online. 

The BBC has a website and app called Own It. The website has a lot of content for children to help them navigate their online lives, and the free smartphone app comes with a special keyboard which can intervene with help and support in the moments that children need it the most.

SafeToNet is an app for parents to help them safeguard their children from online risks like cyberbullying and sexting, whilst respecting their child’s rights to privacy. The SafeToNet Foundation is providing UK families with free access to 1 million licences during coronavirus.

Please click on the link below to see the latest edition of  Digital Parenting Magazine.


Parent Info is a  freely available service launched by CEOP and The Parent Zone which brings together the most up-to-date content aimed at parents. The content is written by leading experts in their fields and covers pornography to eating disorders, sexting to violent extremism. The content is lively and easy to read and comes with all the authority of CEOP and The Parent Zone, leading providers of information and support about online risks.




1) Which Apps/Games are you using at the moment?

This will help you understand what your children are interested in at the moment, they might not tell you about all the apps and games so it is advisable to ask them to show you their devices whilst you are having this conversation.


2) Which websites do you enjoy using and why?

Again this allows you to find out more about your child's  interests.  It will encourage a positive conversation about their online activity. 


3) How does the App/Game work?  Can I  play?

Show a genuine interest in what they are doing, if they are reluctant to play with you this might be a red flag.


4) Do you have any online friends?

Children can form positive relationships with people online but it is important for them to understand the difference between a friend and a stranger online.


5)  Do you know where to go to for help?

Show your children where and how they can report any thing they come across online which has made them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.


6) Do you know what your personal information is?

It is important that your child understands what is publicly available and what is private and the dangers of sharing personal information.


7)  Do  you know your limits?

Children will not necessarily understand the negative impacts of device or game addiction.  It is important to talk about how online addiction can affect their sleep, school performance or interests in any other activities.  This is a good time to discuss and introduce time limits when at home.

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872