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The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Monday - Olympics Day, Children can wear PE kit all day. Tuesday - Break the rules Mufti - Day, School Closes for Summer at 1.45pm. Have a wonderful fun-filled safe summer!

School Meals



We have been advised by Twelve15 that they are unable to make

special arrangements for children who do not like certain foods.


The only exceptions will be:


• Vegetarians – these children will be given the vegetarian option. If you child is a

vegetarian, please put this in writing and send to the school office.


• Religious observance – an alternative meal will be provided. Please put in writing

which food(s) your child is unable to eat and send to the school office.


• Special diets, e.g. gluten free, etc. - A special diet form is available, this must be

signed by your GP or consultant. Please contact the school office.


• Allergies to certain foods – Again, a special diet form is available, this must be

signed by your GP or consultant. Please contact the school office.


Please note that the kitchen will not serve any child until they have a signed special

Dietary request form.


Twelve15 provide a comprehensive menu. Further details are available

on their website at


The time your child’s class is called in for dinner will vary from week to week, therefore, a

full meal choice may not always be available.


Meals are taken on a half termly basis and we ask that you give us notice before the end

of the current half term if children want to change from school dinners to packed lunches

or vice versa.

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872