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The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Tuesday 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day, Friday 14th Feb - - End of Term, Collect at usual times 3.20/3.25pm - PTA Mufti Day - PTA Uniform Sale at Pick up, Year 6 Leavers Donut Sale at Pick up. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable half term.


The Greville is an inclusive school and aims to support all children regardless of any specific education need or disability. We aim for every child with SEND to be happy, valued, successful, confident and fully integrated into school life. We believe that diversity is a strength which should be celebrated by all those who are associated with the school.


Any child can experience difficulty with a specific area of learning at some time in his/her school life and may need additional support so we identify, assess and provide for any needs which may arise. Support may come from school staff as well as the support of experts from external agencies and we aim to ensure that all children achieve their best.


At The Greville, we have a  SENDCo who works to support and advise the classroom teachers and team of teaching assistants. If your child has specific needs of any kind, she would be very happy to discuss him/her with you.


"High levels of care and support allow pupils to flourish, including those who have had difficult experiences elsewhere."

OFSTED October, 2019


The  SENDCo is Mrs A Williams


Contact details:

Mrs Williams -


Below are a range of links and documents which outline more information related to children with special educational needs and disabilities.


Graduated Response Plan

Provision Maps

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872