Internal Clubs
Internal Extra Curricular After School Clubs (teacher led)
Spring Term 2025
How do I sign up?
At the end of the term, you will receive an email with all available clubs listed for the following term. There will be a link to a Google Booking Form to sign your child up to the club(s) they wish to join. You will not receive confirmation of your child's place, please make a note of the club details and let your child know.
By selecting a club, you will automatically be agreeing to our Internal School club rules:
- Children will be given a few weeks to settle into the club, once they have established they enjoy it, they must attend each week.
- All club members will be registered promptly at the beginning of the club. Parents will be contacted in the event of the child present for school but absent from the club.
- If a child is unable to attend a club, then the teacher leading the club or Office must be notified beforehand.
- Please be on time to collect your child, check the end time as they do not all finish at the same time.
- Children should be collected by the blue junior gates near the Main Hall.