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The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Monday - Olympics Day, Children can wear PE kit all day. Tuesday - Break the rules Mufti - Day, School Closes for Summer at 1.45pm. Have a wonderful fun-filled safe summer!

Pupil's Health and the Administation of Medicines in School



The Greville Policy has been produced following the Surrey guidelines and has been agreed by our governors.  You can find the full policy on the school website.


The main points are as follows:


1.        It is the parent’s / carer’s responsibility to ensure a child is fit and well enough to attend school.


2.        The parent / carer must provide the school with full details of any health problems a child may have and keep the school fully informed of any changes.


3.        If medicines are prescribed for your child, please ask the doctor if they may be taken outside school hours.


4.        If medicines must be taken in school:

            i)  please provide full details of any medication requirements and ensure       medicines supplied to school do not exceed expiry date.

            ii) All medicines must be brought into the school office by the parent / carer. 


Please put medicines in a plastic bag with a spoon.  All medicines must be clearly named.  Children should not carry medicines, except:

                 a)    epipens

                              b)    inhalers (with parental consent)

     c)    travel sickness medication for use on an educational visit, which must be handed to the teacher in charge as soon as the child arrives at school


iii)  The parent / carer must complete and sign a “Pupil Medication Request” form which is available to download from our website.  (In very exceptional circumstances, the parent / carer may send a signed letter which includes the required information, along with the medication, to the school office with another responsible adult).


  1. The parent / carer must ensure the school has a phone number where s/he may be contacted in case of emergency.


5.        Cough sweets may be brought in by the children but must be kept in the school office until needed.


6.        NO medication is kept in school for general use.


We hope these points are clear.  We are sure you will appreciate the need to clarify the situation with regard to the administration of medication to pupils in school. 

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872