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The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Wednesday - 5A and 5H Bentley Priory Museum - Thursday 5D and 5W Bentley Priory Museum, Mental Health Day - Hello Yellow, wear something yellow today. Friday - 4M and 4SF swimming lessons, 5A Class Assembly embly

Accelerated Reader Links

From partway through Year 2, up to Year 6, children at The Greville transition onto Accelerated Reader when they are ready. Children who have reached the end of Read Write Inc Phonics, are assessed using the Star Reader, which carefully matches them to the appropriate Accelerated Reader level (their ZPD). Children are then free to choose their reading book from a range of books at their level. We have a fantastic library for children to choose their books from, as well as small year group libraries in Years 3 and 4. Children are able to take ‘quizzes’ on the book they have just read and are assessed at four points in the year to ensure they are reading the correct books. Daily, independent reading is a key part of Accelerated Reader and children have time daily to read independently in class. 

Book Level Poster

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872