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Interactive Bar

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Tuesday 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day, Friday 14th Feb - - End of Term, Collect at usual times 3.20/3.25pm - PTA Mufti Day - PTA Uniform Sale at Pick up, Year 6 Leavers Donut Sale at Pick up. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable half term.

School Meals

You may be aware of the “Universal Free School Meals for Infants”programme, under which all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible to receive optional free school meals.  Alternatively, you can provide your child with a packed lunch.


The school meals provided at The Greville are freshly cooked on the premises every day by the Catering Team.  Children will be provided with the main dish of the day, (vegetarians will have the vegetarian dish of the day).  Children also have the option of choosing the Jacket Potato of the day. There is a pudding of the day and a 10% availability of a choice of fruit or yoghurt, or cheese and biscuits.  The children can help themselves to the salad bar which contains three types of salad items and two types of carbohydrates.

If a child has any special dietary requirements, e.g. vegetarian, religious observance, allergies to certain foods, or special diets (gluten free, etc.) please complete the Special Diet Request Form from Twelve15.  The catering staff will not be able to serve your child unless the correct form is in place.


Meals are taken on a half termly basis, i.e. every day – Monday through to Friday for half a term.  Half a term’s notice is required if children want to change from school dinners to packed lunches or vice versa.

Twelve15 have stated that all meals must be ordered for the children by the school office before 10.00am on a daily basis.  School policy is that any medical appointment should be notified to the teacher and school office in writing at least the day before.  However, if your child has an emergency medical appointment or will be in late for any reason and you would like them to have a meal, you must notify the school office by telephone before 9.30am.  Please do not leave your message regarding lunch on the absence line or via email as these messages are not always picked up before the 9.30am deadline.  If for any reason you do not notify the school office and your child comes into school after 9.30am, then you will need to bring in a packed lunch.


If your child comes into school late and misses the register, they must come in via the office or make sure they come down to the office to notify us that they are here, otherwise their lunch will not be ordered for them that day.


There is a three weekly menu which can be viewed on the Twelve15 website at

The Greville Primary School

Inspire, nurture, achieve

Get in touch

Location: Stonny Croft, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1SH
Tel: 01372 274 872